You have a diagnosis of primary immune deficiency disease.Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG) provided in home: Medicare covers IVIG if both of these conditions apply:.Parenteral and enteral nutrition (intravenous and tube feeding): Medicare covers certain nutrients if you can’t absorb nutrition through your intestinal tract or take food by mouth.You’ll need to work with your ESRD facility and your doctor to find out: They can give them to you at their facility, or through a pharmacy they work with.

Your ESRD facility is responsible for giving you these medications. Part B covers calcimimetic medications under the ESRD payment system, including the intravenous medication Parsabiv, and the oral medication Sensipar. Oral End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) drugs: Medicare covers some oral ESRD drugs if the same drug is available in injectable form and the Part B ESRD benefit covers it.Injectable and infused drugs: Medicare covers most injectable and infused drugs when a licensed medical provider gives them, because these types of drugs aren't usually self-administered.Blood clotting factors: Medicare covers clotting factors you give yourself by injection, if you have hemophilia.Or you need this drug to treat anemia related to certain other conditions. Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents: Medicare covers erythropoietin by injection if you have.In addition, Medicare will cover the home health nurse or aide to provide the injection if your family and/or caregivers are unable or unwilling to give you the drug by injection.
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Your doctor certifies that you can’t give yourself the injection or learn how to give yourself the drug by injection. You have a bone fracture that a doctor certifies was related to post-menopausal osteoporosis. You're a woman with osteoporosis who meets the criteria for the Medicare home health benefit.